Page 28 - History Presentation Tony Dell 2016
P. 28

In addition, David and his team have conducted casting classes for members prior to
meetings at Lenah Valley and lunch time casting practice at Princes Park near the CSIRO.
David Hemmings organised a Club team to enter the casting competition which was part of
the 2014 celebration of 150 years of trout in Tasmania. The competition was held at the
Salmon ponds and the Club came second and earned a bit of prize money for the Club's
Social Activities
Social functions have always been central to the fabric of the Club and an area where wives
and partners have always made a huge, but largely unsung, contribution.
[Functions between 1956 and early 1970s?]

                           TFTC function "Bellellevue", Richmond 1970
From the late 1960s or early 1970s (certainly from 1974, April 6 1979, 20 February 1982) the
Club had regular barbecues/pig roasts and wine bottlings at Bob Peacock's residence
"Bellevue" at Richmond. This tradition continued up to 1982 and Ross Scrim and Malcolm
Crosse became a familiar team providing the pig roast.

BBQ and Wine bottling, "Bellevue", Richmond, March 1976

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