Page 20 - History Presentation Tony Dell 2016
P. 20

New woodshed and tank, Miena, Winter 2002
In 2011 the front of the shack was re-roofed to resolve a long-standing leak in the kitchen,
using builder Frank Zambotti assisted by Andrew Cables, Brian McCullagh, Lynden
Cubbins, Malcolm Crosse, Jason Garrett and Colin Shepherd and managed by Tony Dell.

                          Pitching new front roof, Miena, November 2010
Later the same year some clearing and gravelling of the Club block was undertaken (managed
by Macca assisted by Delly) to increase parking. During this project a tree fell uncomfortably
close to the shack, causing minor roof and deck damage but terminal damage to our front

Clearing front of block, Miena for parking, November 2011

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