Page 21 - History Presentation Tony Dell 2016
P. 21

Tree damage to front of Miena shack, November 2011
Repair of the front deck, installation of a new tank, managed by Macca, and construction of a
Barbecue shelter was undertaken in 2013 again using builder Frank Zambotti assisted by
Brian McCullagh, Chris Medwin and Tony Dell (project manager).

                                  New tank pad, Miena, August 2013

                         New BBQ shelter and tank, Miena, October 2013
The next Club shack was at Little Pine Lagoon. The shack was a hop-pickers hut donated by
one of our members, Darryl Sutton. It was transported from Molesworth to Little Pine by
Don Hammond using the Stokes and Hammond truck sometime in the summer of 1968/69
and was sited on land then owned by John Fowler and John Bignall.

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